We’ve all used notifications on our phones for text messages and email. We want to be notified when someone is reaching out to us, and have configured our phones to notify us in the way we want (ringer, vibration, home screen, etc.).
There is another category of notifications for when the authorities want to reach out to us: Wireless Emergency Alerts.
What are Wireless Public Alerts?
Wireless Public Alerts (WPA) are mobile messages sent through mobile carriers to phones to warn of potentially life-threatening emergencies. WPA messages are up to 90 characters and show the time and type of alert, the issuing party, and actions to be taken.
Why are they needed?
The distribution of emergency alerts was historically limited to broadcast television and radio. The widespread use of mobile phones has created a new channel to reach people for whom an alert may be relevant.
Who can send them?
WPA technology originated in the United States, where emergency alerts can only be sent by approved government alerting authorities for the following:
- Imminent threats to life and property alerts
- AMBER alerts
- Presidential alerts
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) is mandating all cellular providers to broadcast emergency alerts issued by authorized emergency officials to alert Canadians in the event of:
- Extreme weather
- Emergencies involving crime
- Environmental and industrial emergencies
When will WPAs be available in Canada?
April 6, 2018.
How do they work?
WPAs are delivered via wireless mobile carriers’ cellular towers. Users will know they have received an emergency alert via specific tone, vibration, and on-screen
Take care. Be prepared.
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