
PEASI Blog powered by Alertable

May 4, 2022 Alert Ready Survey

On May 4, 2022, emergency officials tested the Alert Ready system. See what Canadians had to say.

Stay safe working from home

During the COVID-19 pandemic, tens of millions of people globally have been forced into their homes and asked to work remotely.

Alertable Events: Beach Closures

Alertable uses the list of events created for the Canadian Profile of the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP-CP).

I’ve been alerted, now what do I do?

We lead busy lives and emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, at the most inopportune times, so how should you react when you get an unexpected...

Be Prepared

Understanding Water Advisories

Learn about different types of water quality advisories and how to respond effectively to protect public health and ensure safe water usage.

Is lightning an Alertable event?

Lightning regularly kills and injures people. Each year on average in Canada, there are between 9 and 10 deaths, and up to 164 injuries.

Amber Alerts: Should you be annoyed?

We'd like to hear your feedback on whether AMBER Alerts sent to a mass audience should sound the loud Alert Tone on people’s phones.

Alert Ready

How to Get Emergency Alerts on Smartphone

Learn how to receive emergency alerts on your smartphone, check Alert Ready compatibility, and use the Alertable app to stay informed and safe.

Alert Ready Test May 5, 2021

On May 5, 2021, provincial and territorial emergency officials across Canada tested the Alert Ready system. Hear what Canadians had to say.

Alert Ready Test 25 November 2020

On November 25, 2020, provincial and territorial emergency officials across Canada tested the Alert Ready system. See what Canadians had to say.

What does Civil Emergency Alert Mean?

Emergency alerts are issued by public officials and are meant to warn the public of current or imminent hazards to life and/or property.

Alert Ready Test Alert

On November 25, 2020, many Canadians will receive an emergency alert as Alert Ready is performing a routine test of their system. 

Is the Coquihalla Highway Open?

Did you know that the Coquihalla Highway is one of the worst roads in North America to drive in the winter?

Be Prepared

Understanding Air Quality And Forest Fire

Learn about air quality, its impact on health, and how to protect yourself. Discover practical tips and long-term strategies for cleaner air.

Disaster Fatigue and COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced disaster response around the world. Several disasters have occurred throughout the world since the pandemic...

Weather advisories easily explained

What are Weather Advisories in Alertable? These types of Advisories in Alertable are typically issued by Environment and Climate Change Canada.

The Canadian Red Cross and COVID-19

When a pandemic hits, other disasters do not stop and wait for a more convenient time. Is help still available when the world has stopped in many...

Staying Connected While Social Distancing

Warm weather is encouraging us all to spend time outside. While this is good, keeping busy while still practising social distancing can be a...

COVID-19: What is Proper Hand Washing?

Hand washing is the number one tip for stopping the spread of COVID-19.  While this is common sense, it must be done properly to be effective.

COVID-19: How to Remove Gloves Properly

While the use of medical gloves is an important aspect of personal protective equipment for health care workers, they do not need to be worn by the...

What is an LTE capable phone?

An LTE capable phone has the hardware and operating system software required to connect to a Long Term Evolution (LTE) cellular network.

What makes Alertable different?

Alertable is the only commercial emergency alerting platform that is fully integrated with Canada’s national public alert system, Alert Ready.

Should the public send emergency alerts?

The public is often the first to witness a threat and to inform government authorities of it. Why not empower the public to send the alert?

Making The Most of Maps for Mobile

Using maps to present information poses some user experience issues, particularly when they are accessed on smartphones and tablet devices.

Alertable is Wireless Public Alert Ready!

Wireless public alerts (WPA) are now being sent to compatible smartphones in Canada. If you don't have a compatible smartphone, we have you covered.

Tap, tap…is this thing on?

If there are no disasters or hazards in the areas that you have chosen to be alerted for, Alertable will display No alerts found for your locations”.

APNs for Public Alerting Apps

Notifications matter! In a public alerting App, notifications are a key trigger to get citizens' attention and increasing app usage.

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